

原來做豬也可以很快樂的.  走地雞大家比較常聽走地豬是啥?  其實跟雞的道理相似, 走地豬採取天然放牧由飼養至屠宰都有ㄧ定的制度, 這快樂的小豬在均衡飲食運動及無壓力的環境下成長病痛自然就少, 肥瘦均勻...在豬界因該不是美女就是帥哥吧!  更可愛的是農場的位址就在alberta 的天堂山谷, 這也太剛好了吧 XD  據然就叫天堂豬.

煮東西挑選食材久了慢慢發現其實越天然的東西越好吃也越不需要很多東西去矯正食材本身的不足.  不需要餵養抗生素跟瘦肉精因為開心快樂均衡飲食運動無壓力本來就會健康肥瘦均勻.  有肉香沒有肉腥味就不用去腥去到肉味都沒有或醬料一大堆不知道是吃醬料還是吃肉.  肥瘦均勻口感好也就更不需要食品添加物加一堆啦~  

也難怪米其林主廚愛用這樣的豬, 總歸一句開心快樂豬好吃!

Never really came across my mind that there could be happy pigs.  Free range chicken are pretty common to hear, but free range pigs?  The idea is similar to chicken, free range pigs are naturally raised with huge outdoor spaces where they are free to roam, play, and dig around.  From farm to butcher follows specific system.  Since these happy pigs are raised with balanced diet, proper exercise, and stress free environment, they naturally have less health problems and balanced fat to muscle ratio…from a pigs point of view, they are probably seen as handsome and beautiful!  The interesting thing is the farm is actually situated at the Paradise Valley in Alberta XD , hence paradise pork.

The more I cook and pick and choose ingredients, the more I realize that the more natural things are the tastier they are and the less things you need to do to compensate what they lack.  There is no need to constantly feed them antibiotics because content pigs with balanced diet, exercise, and stress free environment naturally have better immune system and less prone to diseases.  When the pork has pork flavour but no off taste, there is no need to process it to take away the off taste to the point where you can’t even taste the pork or adding so much flavouring agents to mask instead of elevate the taste to the point where you don’t even know if you are eating sauce or pork.  A good fat and muscle ratio naturally has a good texture and bite where you don’t need to add all these food additives to change it~

No wonder Michelin chefs love these pork, all in all happy content pork is a tasty pork! 


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