


雖說市面上有很多方便的替用品, 像是柴魚粉 hondashi, 濃縮高湯.  但有了小孩之後更是對於味精, 食品添加物等變得比較注意.  花一點時間自己做高湯, 是幸福的味道.  :) 

Even though there are a lot of convenient instant dashi and concentrates available now adays, but ever since I had my son, I tried to steer away from MSG and food additives as much as I could.  The aroma of fresh made dashi is heart warming. 


水/ Water           1000ml   

昆布 / Konbu       30g

柴魚片 / Bonito Flakes    30g


水與昆布中火加熱到起小泡泡, 大約到85度C 不要煮到滾喔~

Put Water and Konbu in a pot, heat them up with medium heat and bring them to simmer. 



熄火, 拿出昆布. 加入柴魚片

When small bubbles appear, right before the water boils.  



蓋上鍋蓋等20 分鐘

Remove the Konbu, turn off the heat, put in the bonito flakes, and close the pot with a lid and let it steep like tea for around 20 min.



Remove the bonito flakes and you are done! :) 




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